FREE live streamed Baby Massage Workshops – Live from Sweden

FREE live streamed Baby Massage Workshops – Live from Sweden

Improving Me, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Women’s Health and Maternity programme is delighted to be collaborating with the global Bee Happy partnership to celebrate and mark Baby Week 2024; with a week of FREE live streamed baby massage workshops.

Every morning at 10:00am to 10:45am, from Thursday 14 November through to and including 20 November

This FREE baby massage opportunity is suitable for early years staff and healthcare practitioners as well parents and carers with babies over 8 weeks old. It is ideal for anyone who wants to understand more about the very real health and wellbeing benefits of baby massage.

But ultimately baby massage is a lovely way for parents or carers to enjoy time with their baby. And don’t forget, give every baby a best start and they will go far!
To join one or more, or all of the FREE sessions which will be delivered live just use this link or email with any questions.

Thank you to Baby Week Cheshire & Merseyside for coordinating:

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Free Webinar class everyday during Baby Week from 10am - 10.45am. To join one or more, or all of the FREE sessions which will be delivered live just use this link or email with any questions.