From Nigeria to Leeds, “I am one of those statistics”

baby week toddlers into leeds

From Nigeria to Leeds and becoming a parent

Chinazom attended the Baby Week launch with her two year old son Daniel. She had heard about baby week through her local children’s centre in Seacroft. Chinazom who is originally from Nigeria and has lived in Leeds for several years, had her son in lockdown and was linking her experience to the statistics – ‘I was listening to Nicola talking about the lockdown inequalities (Health needs and the impact of the Pandemic in Leeds – presentation) in my area and greater challenges in accessing services – and I was thinking ‘I’m one of those women!’

Giving birth in Leeds during lockdown

Chinazom spoke about giving birth and leaving the hospital in the same day. She understood the risk to minimize increase in infection was high during lockdown but said there was a big difference between having her first two children and Daniel. She has been measuring the growth patterns against her other two children and wonders if her son has met the same physical and mental milestones of development. It’s hard to tell as he has older brothers to support his learning such as speaking for him, but he definitely learnt to crawl sooner. Maybe this has something to do with staying in the same safe environment for longer.


Accessing services and support in Leeds

Chinazom who enjoys attending the Seacroft children centre and libraries understands the value of
local family services and urges mums and dads to make the most of what is on offer. ‘You have to
make sure you don’t feel isolated there are services that can help you and that you’re not alone!’
Make use of the baby buddy app which helped provide a listening ear – and that it was okay to cry.

Networking and Play in Leeds
baby week stalls leeds