Baby Week Leeds took inspiration from Brazil – Semana Do Bebe.
There they have a baby mayor, which is a baby born during Baby Week and catch-up with them and their family to support the developments of the week. In 2016, Baby Week launched in Leeds as the UK’s first city and the baby champion born was little Ayrton!
During the pandemic and first lockdown, we spoke to Baby champ Ayrton’s mum Leila about how they’ve been coping over lockdown. Ayrton was born on the first day of Baby Week 2016 and he is our first baby champ! Following this years Baby Week theme; ‘Staying Safe Staying Connected‘ we spoke to Leila who is a key worker for: 02 which keeps communications going for the NHS and the rail network. Leila and partner alternated working and child care creating a structure to keep things as normal as possible. On top of this Leila finished submitted her dissertation with both children at home! Arytons‘ contribution was running his toy cars over the her laptop. Leila also completed a three year degree at the University of Leeds.
Things have been really busy but the structure is essential for offering emotional support to her daughter. Leila has been answering her concerns and helping her trying to process why people are wearing masks and social distancing.
During the pandemic, in 2020, Baby Week Leeds focused on promoting 5 of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals to celebrate 5 years of Baby Week: good health and well-being, reduced inequality, sustainable cities and communities, climate action and no poverty.
Over our meet up via Zoom I wave at Ayrton and Mum Leila says we’ve been really strict on screen time and were they can go out and get as much exercise as possible. That’s great as it ticks the Climate Action goal and hopefully they will make it to the tree planting activity later in November this year!