Baby Week UK is catching new towns in November

Baby Week Leeds is back to celebrate their 8th year and we’re excited to announce, it has welcomed some new cousins across the UK!

Baby Week is a registered charity and aims to bring sectors and services together to promote the best start in life. By celebrating services and raising awareness about the importance of early childhood, Baby Week aims to make UK the best place to grow up in. The initiative was inspired by Brazil’s ‘Semana do Bebe’ (UNICEF 2010), and Leeds hosted the first English speaking Baby Week in 2016 with Child Friendly Leeds, NHS and partners across the city.

Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales visited Leeds earlier this year to talk to people there about early childhood as she launched the ‘Shaping Us’ campaign. Baby Week was discussed amongst other fantastic initiatives putting children and young people at the heart of the city on a case study here.

Baby Week Communication Pack 2023

Baby Week wants you all to join in the conversation. Whether it’s celebrating the week, promoting the best start, raising awareness about the importance of early childhood or promoting what’s on for families. You can find our communication plan for 2023 here. It contains suggested social media posts and exciting news!

We’re really excited to share that the following locations will be hosting Baby Week 2023 across the UK and we can’t wait to have more partners next year!

Baby Week was born in Leeds in 2016 promoting the best start in life, bringing sectors together and celebrating babies! Working with Child Friendly Leeds we were joined by Princess Catherine in 2023 to focus on our work around early childhood, early intervention and partnership across sectors. 

Working with Cheshire and Merseyside Women’s Health and Maternity, Baby Week formed here in 2019, bringing together cross-sector organisations, families and caregivers to promote the importance of women’s health and giving all our babies the best possible start in life.

On behalf of the Best Start Partnership in Nottinghamshire, we are really excited to be joining Baby Week for the first time this year. We know that a good start shapes lifelong health, wellbeing and prosperity. 

Bradford began their initiative in 2018 with Better Start Bradford. The week is an opportunity to highlight what’s on offer in Bradford for expectant families and families with babies and toddlers, develop best practice, give families the opportunity to celebrate babies at some seriously fun-packed events.

Coventry has joined the Baby Week National Partnership in 2023. They are celebrating services and raising awareness about the importance of early childhood and promoting their Family Hubs offer localised early help, intervention and support for families .

Newcastle has joined the Baby Week National Partnership in 2023. Community hubs are vibrant social spaces that offer a range of practical, educational and wellbeing activities for babies, children, young people and families.

In 2023, Calderdale will be celebrating its first ever Baby Week, with the theme of ‘play’ showcasing activities and support available for parents and their babies. It forms part of the Calderdale Family Hub offer supporting the Calderdale Wellbeing Strategy priority ‘all children to be ready for school’.

This year, Redcar & Cleveland will be celebrating there first ever Baby Week and have joined the Baby Week National Partnership. They are promoting their family hubs offer, with a focus on support for expectant parents till the child is 2, so all children get the best start in life.

We’re excited to join Baby Week in 2023 as we know all families need some support to give their babies the best start in life. We’re here to celebrate babies, bring sectors together, promote services and listen !

Baby Week celebrating highlights Child Friendly Leeds Princess Catherine
Princess Catherine Launches Shaping Us in Leeds with Child Friendly and Baby Week colleagues

What people are saying

First time being part of Baby Week Leeds and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it. Fantastic speakers and very informative. Great way of connecting with others too and learning about how other organisations have been working differently during the pandemic. Fantastic to see health inequalities being raised and featured in this event”

Balvinder Dosanjh, Perinatal Mental Health Service Leeds

In Nottinghamshire, we are really excited to be joining in with Baby Week for the first time this year. We are looking forward to the below events and bringing parents, carers, partners and services together to focus on the importance of giving children the Best Start in Life.

Lucy Hawkin (CPsychol), Nottinghamshire County Council