Baby Week Durham

About us

We want all children in County Durham to have the best start for life and are excited to be celebrating Baby Week for the first time in 2024. County Durham Family Hubs are coordinating the programme, using activities and events to showcase the programmes and support that is on offer across the county. We hope that the week will help us to think baby more and ensure that we are all working together for the best start for our children.

This is our first Baby Week in Durham, and we are looking forward to having the opportunity to promote the fantastic support and wide range of activities are on offer. Family Hubs are working alongside other providers such as libraries and leisure services to offer activities, drop ins and taster sessions over the week.

Alison Ghent, Family Hub Development Manager

Durham Events

Where is Baby Week?

Many regions have just joined the Baby Week National Partnership? Get in touch to join us for the 2024 celebrations!


Baby Week was born in Leeds in 2016 promoting the best start in life, bringing sectors together and celebrating babies! As a child friendly city, Leeds has a vision to make it the best city to grow up in.


An opportunity to highlight what’s on offer in Bradford for expectant families and families with babies and toddlers, develop best practice, give families the opportunity to celebrate babies at some seriously fun-packed events.


In 2023, Calderdale will be celebrating its first ever Baby Week, with the theme of ‘play’ showcasing activities and support available for parents and their babies across the borough.

Cheshire & Merseyside

Began here in 2019, Baby Week brings together cross-sector organisations, families and caregivers to promote the importance of women’s health and giving all our babies the best possible start in life.


In Coventry we want every baby in to have the best start for life. This year will be our first Start for Life Baby Week celebration.

Redcar & Cleveland

Baby Week was celebrated in 2023 in Redcar & Cleveland where our local Family Hubs are launched a new best start in life offer for our expectant parents, parents and carers, professionals, and the public. 


On behalf of the Best Start Partnership in Nottinghamshire, we are really excited to be joining in with Baby Week for the first time in 2023.


We’re really excited as 2023 will be the first year Newcastle will be celebrating and participating in Baby Week.


We want to ensure that every child has the best start in life. That’s why we’ve joined the National Baby Week Partnership to highlight the importance of the first 1001 days of a baby’s life. 

Baby Week York


York is excited to be hosting Baby Week 2024.

Baby Week Durham


We want all children in County Durham to have the best start for life and are excited to be celebrating Baby Week for the first time in 2024.

Baby Week Hull


On behalf of the Early Help Partnership in Hull, we are excited to be joining in with Baby Week for the first time in 2024. We are proud to work together with our parents/carers and committed team and Partners to ensure all children get the best start in life. 

Baby Week Bucks


In 2024, we are excited to be celebrating our first ever Baby Week Bucks, bringing together partners to promote the importance of giving children the best start in life.

Baby Week Sunderland<br />


Lead by Sunderland Family hubs, we are excited to bring Baby Week here. We want to ensure that every child in Sunderland has the best start in life through shining a spotlight on the first 1001 critical days with our partners, families and professionals.

baby week uk


Want to be the next city to host baby week? 

The success in 2023 meant that over 1000 events were advertised between 14 – 20 November! We’re on our journey to make this a national week for every city and region to be a part of. 

Contact us

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